In the two budget years between 2021 and 2023, the Food and Farm Resilience Coalition (ROC is a coalition partner) was able to secure a total of $2 billion to help transition California’s food and farming system toward one that is more climate-resilient, just, and equitable.
In 2023, the Food and Farm Resilience Coalition remains focused on these four pillar areas: sustainable agriculture, farmworker health and well-being, climate-friendly healthy food access and regional food infrastructure. Assemblymember Lori Wilson (Assembly District 11) is championing our 2023 Food & Farm Resilience bond bill, AB 408.
AB 408 is authored by Assemblymember Lori Wilson (D-Suisun City) and proposes a $3.4 billion bond for the November 2024 ballot to invest in creating a more equitable and climate resilient food and farming system. ROC is one of the co-sponsors of the bond bill along with 17 other organizations in the Food and Farm Resilience Coalition, a diverse group of organizations working across a number of sectors including food access, environmental justice, sustainable agriculture, labor, and public health.
Bond investments would help create a more equitable and resilient food system with proposed funding across four pillars:
- Sustainable agriculture
- Farmworker well-being
- Healthy, sustainable food access
- Regional food infrastructure
Update: April 11, 2023
As of April 10, AB 408 has passed through the Assembly Ag Committee and Natural Resources Committee. The next step for AB 408 is the Appropriations Committee later this spring. Read the full press release here. The bill will be heard next in the Assembly Appropriations committee later this spring.
Lobby Week (week of April 17, 2023)
To raise awareness and additional support for AB 408 the Food & Farm Resilience Coalition is organizing a hybrid lobby week of virtual and in-person visits during the week of April 17.
The coalition encourages individuals and organizations to sign the AB 408 support letter. Interested participants are invited to contact FFRC directly for additional ways to support AB 408. This is an important opportunity for individuals to make their voices heard and advocate for much-needed investments in a more sustainable, equitable and resilient food system in California.
Formed in early 2021, the Food and Farm Resilience Coalition (ROC is a coalition partner) co-sponsored the Equitable Economic Recovery, Healthy Food Access, Climate Resilient Farms and Worker Protection Bond Act (AB 125), that proposed placing a bond on the 2022 ballot.
Assemblymember Robert Rivas (D – Hollister) authored AB 125, which would have invested $3.302 billion over five years in California’s food and farming infrastructure to accelerate California’s economic recovery from the COVID- 19 pandemic while combating climate change, improving food security, and protecting our essential farmworkers.
The bond included:
- $700 million for regional and local food processing, distribution, and market infrastructure
- $637 million for farmworker safety and well-being
- $750 million for infrastructure to combat hunger
- $1.245 billion for sustainable agriculture, on-farm climate resilience and biodiversity and compost facilities
With the state’s significant budget surplus in 2021, AB 125 did not advance to the ballot. In 2023, AB 125 transitioned into AB 408.
Image: Doris Meier